Table of Contents
Strength and Hypertrophy

Will I Lose Muscle if I Don’t Workout for a Week?
You will probably keep your muscle mass if you don’t workout for a week. But there are exceptions. This is what science has to say.

How Long It Takes to Lose Muscle During a Break
How long does it take to lose muscle? It depends on how active or inactive you are. But not all size loss is muscle loss.

Can You Lift Weights Every Day? Benefits & Risks
Do you need rest days, or can you lift weights every day of the week? Discover the answer in this evidence-based article.

Can You Build Muscle in a Calorie Deficit?
Discover whether you can build muscle in a calorie deficit. Learn about the role of protein, strength training, and proper rest.

Scientific Recommendations for Strength and Hypertrophy Training from 150+ Studies
What is the ideal frequency, rest period, exercise order, range of motion? Should we train to failure? Do we need to include isolation exercise into our program? We’ve analyzed 150+ studies to find out!

What is a Cluster Set? A Complete Guide
In strength training, cluster sets are small sets inside a regular set. We analyze the research behind this uncommon technique.

Should You Train to Failure for Muscle and Strength?
Learn when you should use failure training, and if it’s ideal for building muscle mass and strength. Based on a scientific literature review.

How Drop Sets Affect Strength and Hypertrophy
Drop sets are an efficient way to train, but are they better than regular sets for building muscle and strength? Find out in Sci-Fit’s review.

Gaining Muscle Mass in a Deficit vs. Bulking (Research Review)
Can we gain in a deficit? How much should you eat to reach your goals? This article applies to you whether you’re a beginner or advanced lifter.

The Science of Detraining: How Long You Can Take a Break from the Gym Before You Lose Muscle Mass & Strength
How long does it take us to detrain? Which strategies we can use to prevent detraining?

Cardio on Rest Days – Does it Improve Recovery?
Learn how to speed up muscle recovery and reduce soreness with cardio on rest days.

How Many Rest Days Do You Need in a Week? A Recovery Guide
Learn how many rest days you need per week. Recovery guidelines for athletes, gym goers, and beginners.

Overtraining: a Guide to Prevention and Recovery
Use this guide to find symptoms, prevent and treat overtraining.

5 Overtraining Myths Explained by Science
Do you think overtraining is real? In this article, we explore the scientific data behind 5 overtraining myths.

The Ketogenic Diet’s Impact on Body Fat, Muscle Mass, Strength, and Endurance
How does the Ketogenic Diet compare to other diets for improving your body composition and athletic performance? Read the article to find out.

Do Ketone Supplements Enhance Performance?
Ketone supplements are said to boost athletic performance, burn fat, and have many other benefits. Sci-Fit has reviewed the scientific literature to examine these claims.

The Fascinating Discoveries We Made in 2018
Understand how Sci-Fit works and how you benefit. Discover recent ketogenic developments. Learn what we are working on in 2019. Meet our collaborators.

Adhering to the Ketogenic Diet – Is it Easy or Hard? (Research Review)
We analyze ketogenic data to find out if people can stick with the ketogenic diet. We graph ketone levels, carb intake, and do a meta-analysis of dropouts.

Keto Flush – How Body Water and Glycogen Affect Ketogenic Weight Loss
The ketogenic diet is known for causing rapid weight loss. But, it also has dehydrating effects. Dig in as we explain what happens with glycogen, water, and salt. We give recommendations for preventing keto flush.

How the Ketogenic Diet Affects Hunger (Research Review)
Will the ketogenic diet suppress or increase your hunger? How does it compare to other diets? We have reviewed the scientific literature to find out if you will be hungry on keto.

How Keto Scientists Connect to Keto Companies (a critical investigation)
Learn what happens behind the scenes in ketogenic diet research. This article investigates the most prominent keto scientists and keto companies. We have looked into their conflicts of interest and funding sources.

How Carbs and Protein Affect Ketosis (Keto Research Review)
Do you need to eat less than 50 grams of carbs to be in ketosis? What about protein? We have analyzed the data from ketogenic research.

Research Limitations – Why Study Results Don’t Always Apply to You
This article is a general introduction to the limitations of fitness and nutrition research. Learn what you can and can’t glean from research and how to apply it to your life.

Does sleep affect weight loss? (Research Review)
Sleep deprivation may make you gain fat and lose muscle mass. Sleep longer to speed up weight loss while preventing muscle loss.

Anabolic Resistance: Why it is Harder to Add Muscle Mass as We Age and How to Fight It
I think most of us have seen what can happen to the human body as it ages. Check this article out to find out how aging affects muscle mass and health. The article contains research-based recommendations from 60+ studies and reviews

How Keto Scientists Connect to Keto Companies (a critical investigation)
Learn what happens behind the scenes in ketogenic diet research. This article investigates the most prominent keto scientists and keto companies. We have looked into their conflicts of interest and funding sources.